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One of the most difficult types of cases to win is often headache cases. However, it is not impossible to get a favorable decision. Follow these instructions, and you will be a lot more likely to get a favorable decision.
Proving the frequency and severity of headaches can be tough and often frustrating for the one suffering them. There are a few steps you can take to better increase the odds of a successful outcome.
First, keep a headache log. This can be done on a calendar or even in a notebook. Document when you have a headache, the duration of the headache (how long it lasts), how severe the pain and other symptoms are such as nausea and vomiting, what you must do to help relieve the pain and if possible what may have triggered the headache, and what medications you take for the headache and any side effects from them.
Next, share your log with your medical provider. This will help your physician to determine the best course of treatment for you.
Also, cooperate with your doctors if they want to run diagnostic tests like brain MRIs in an attempt to discover a cause for the headaches. You are NOT required by SSA to have any tests done you are not comfortable with, but it may hinder your claim if objective evidence cannot be provided.
Another way to help your claim is to keep all appointments with any other specialists your doctor may send you to. Often neurologists will consult on headache cases so be compliant with courses of treatment.
Lastly, having statements from family members/friends who see you regularly and have direct knowledge of the frequency, duration, and symptoms of your headaches may sometimes help.
To find out more information about these types of claims, or to get a free phone consultation, give our office a call. 1-877-526-3457.
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law