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Children are often the most affected when tough financial times hit families. It can be hard for families to survive if a parent loses a job or becomes ill. Thankfully, there are government assistance programs to help parents get back on their feet.
There are also programs for children with a disability who are in need of help. However, a recent study showed Supplemental Security Income (SSI) might be under serving children.
Between 2004 and 2013 more than 300,000 children were added to SSI’s books. This increase was similar to what experts predicted based on population growth and economic developments.
Some have critiqued this increase claiming families are exploiting their children’s disabilities in order to receive additional welfare money. In response to this the Social Security Administration launched an investigation into the matter, and found there might actually be too few children enrolled.
When poverty rates increase it is expected that more children will be eligible for disability benefits. When the study started in 2004 the poverty rate was 12.7%, compared to the almost 15% rate when the study concluded in 2013.
“Increases in the number of children applying for and receiving SSI benefits for mental disorders are strongly tied to increasing rates of childhood poverty,” said Thomas Boat of the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Boat was in charge of the committee studying the correlation.
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) was repeatedly the most common claim for children seeking SSI benefits. Autism was a condition shown to be on the rise while other intellectual disabilities were declining.
If you have a child who is in need of SSI benefits call Jan Dils Attorneys at Law for a free consultation. These expert SSI benefits lawyers will defend your family and help your children get the benefits they need.
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law