
SSI and Nursing Homes

Every year lots of Supplemental Security Income recipients need the care of nursing home. When this happens there are a few things SSI recipients need to know about SSI and nursing homes.

If you or a loved one who is on SSI moves into a nursing home, hospital or any kind of long term care facility, you should notify the Social Security Administration. This same rules applies anytime an SSI recipient’s living arrangement changes.

Moving into a nursing home will typically affect your SSI benefits. The SSA has a rule that if you live in a nursing home where Medicaid pays for more than half of your care, your SSI benefits cannot be more than $30 a month. In some states this $30 benefit payment will be supplemented by the state. In some cases in which you have additional sources of income, your benefit payment can be less than $30.

You will not be eligible for any SSI benefits if you’re 18 or older and live in a health facility where Medicaid doesn’t pay for more than half of your care.

Short Term Care

There is an exception to this rule if you will be living in the health facility for less than 90 days. The SSA requires some information and paperwork, but in some cases the SSA will allow you to keep receiving your benefit payments for up to 90 days.

You will need give the SSA a written statement from a doctor stating your treatment will take less than 90 days and a statement from you claiming you need your regular benefit payments in order to maintain your current living situation.

It’s important to give these statements to the SSA as soon as possible.
If you need help figuring out how to apply for benefits or appeal a denial call Jan Dils Attorneys at Law. These Charlotte Social Security lawyers can help you get the help you need.

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Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law