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If you currently receive Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits and you’re approaching retirement age, you might be wondering whether your situation will change once you retire. Will you start receiving retirement benefits as well?
This is perhaps a bit of a good news, bad news situation. Social Security determines the amount you receive in SSDI as though you had already reached full retirement age (the point at which you qualify for 100% of your Social Security retirement benefits). Once you actually reach full retirement age, your SSDI is converted to retirement payments. So while you won’t receive both SSDI and additional retirement benefits, your monthly payments won’t be reduced either. In most cases, the amount you receive each month will stay the same.
There is an exception for those receiving workers’ compensation or public disability benefits from government jobs in which they didn’t pay Social Security taxes. Both of these types of benefits can reduce the amount you receive in SSDI. In other words, when your SSDI is converted to retirement benefits, that reduction ends and you will begin receiving more money each month.
If you have additional questions about Social Security Disability benefits, feel free to contact us anytime at 877.526.3457. We have an experienced team of West Virginia Social Security Disability attorneys, and one of our representatives will be happy to answer your questions. Or if you’d prefer to contact us online, please fill out this form and we will respond to you shortly.
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law