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It’s fair to assume that the folks at Social Security do not intend to make things hard for you by denying your claim. As a government agency, however, they are bound to follow established policies on disposing finances for disability benefits. They can’t just accept anybody claiming to be disabled, especially if the application has little to no basis. If you’re about to claim social security disability eligibility, or have done so but was denied, here are the possible reasons why:
Except for blindness, your disability should be long-term—that is, it should last at least 12 months. For instance, people who have had bone fractures due to accidents are usually denied because those are likely to heal within a year. But if an injury has not healed for more than six months, the SSA may think your disability can last more than a year.
2. You earn too much money.
The amount you pay Social Security is a basis for your eligibility. If for the past 12 months you’ve earned higher than the Substantial Gainful Activity ($1090 for 2015) set by the SSA, it means that your disability does not severely impede your ability to work.
3. Your evidence isn’t sufficient.
The SSA approves or denies applications based on how severe a disability impacts the applicant’s capacity to work. You may have a medical condition, but if you cannot establish how that impairs you or you lack the necessary evidence, the application will not be approved.
4. You didn’t follow the treatment plan.
Your claim could be denied if you do not follow the prescribed treatment for your medical condition even if you have the ability to do so. However, some excuses will be recognized if they are due to factors beyond your control.
5. You were involved in a felony or you committed fraud.
You will be denied eligibility if you went to prison after being convicted of a felony, you have a disability that was sustained or worsened while in prison, or you acquired the injury while committing a felony. If you committed fraud in filing for your Social Security benefits, your benefits will also be terminated.
The number one complaint against the filing process is that it takes too long. Medical records which aren’t updated or are not sufficient to support the alleged medical condition are the main drivers for delays in initial reviews. To get your benefits the soonest time possible, you need to do it right the first time. To help you with this, consult an experienced social security disability lawyer from firms like Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law.
(Source: Why Does Social Security Take So Long to Make a Decision on an SSDI Claim?
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law