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PTSD Isn’t Just for the Front Line
Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, is often thought of as a condition exclusive to those brave men and women returning home from the front lines. While many former front line soldiers are afflicted with this terrible condition, these days you don’t have to leave the country to be susceptible to PTSD. The Mayo Clinic defines PTSD as, “A mental health condition triggered by experiencing or seeing a terrifying event.” So how can a soldier experience or see terrifying events without leaving home? The answer is drones.
Drones are unmanned aircrafts controlled remotely by a pilot, often from a distant location. Most of these pilots are stationed at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, where they control drones carrying out air strikes all over the world. Unlike traditional pilots, who only fly around 300 hours a year, these men and women clock up to 1,800 hours a year. This puts tremendous mental strain on the pilots, as they often can be on duty for 12 hours at a time for weeks straight. These long shifts are made worse by the horrific images captured by the cameras on the drones.
Because of these rigorous working conditions there has been a sudden spike in drone pilots with PTSD. Many hesitate to seek help, as they are sometimes antagonized as “video game warriors.” Signs of PTSD are: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative moods and in several cases, suicidal thoughts. If you are in need of PTSD treatment, for any reason, please contact your local Parkersburg, WV, disability attorney so they can help you find help you need.
It’s important to know that attorneys like Jan Dils are here to help you through the process of getting the help you deserve. PTSD can be a catalyst for other illnesses, so if you think you might need help do not hesitate to do so. Gathering all the necessary documentation, such as, consultation notes from a doctor experienced in PTSD diagnosis, will help the process move very smoothly.
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law