
Ovarian Cancer and Talcum Powder

Ovarian Cancer and Talcum Powder

Over the years, more and more case studies have recognized the harmful correlation between talcum powder and ovarian cancer in females. These studies show that women who have used talcum-based feminine hygiene products are 33% more likely to develop ovarian cancer. Although less common than breast cancer, ovarian cancer is generally more aggressive, lethal, and harder to detect.

The FDA has not found any studies significant enough to add a warning label to talc-based products but acknowledges the plausibility of those studies. Nonetheless, ovarian cancer patients and their families have filed suit with major talcum powder manufacturers, specifically Johnson & Johnson, and have been successful in receiving compensation through mass torts litigation.

What is Talcum Powder?

Talcum powder is made from talc, a naturally occurring mineral mined from earth. When ground into a powder, talc can absorb moisture and odors in addition to reducing friction, making it useful in foot powders, baby powders, and other hygiene products. Reports dating back to the 1960s have suggested a possible relationship between the use of talc in the genital area and the occurrence of ovarian cancer in women.

The Relationship between Talc and Ovarian Cancer

While there is no definitive evidence, theories supported by credible case studies suggest that many talc-based products are likely to contain small amounts of asbestos. This is because asbestos is similar to talc in that they are both naturally occurring minerals and can be found in close proximity in the ground.

Asbestos is a known carcinogen commonly associated with lung cancer. If trace amounts of asbestos are in talcum powder, there is potential for it to travel through the reproductive track to the ovaries, leading to the development of cancer.

Recent Court Decisions

Since 2016, Johnson & Johnson – among other retailers and suppliers – has been involved in litigation over its flagship baby powder product. Thousands of ovarian cancer patients and their families have filed lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson for failing to warn consumers about the dangers of talcum powder. Although Johnson & Johnson denies the research, courts have since ruled in favor of the victims, requiring the company to pay billions in damages.

The consequences of talcum powder have not yet gone away. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using feminine hygiene products containing talcum powder, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The experienced team at Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law, can review your case at no cost to you and determine what actions can be taken. Contact us today to find out more about your options.

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Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law

Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law