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Social Security Disability Benefits
As any SSDI West Virginia lawyer can tell you, applying for social security disability benefits in West Virginia can be incredibly difficult. West Virginia is notorious for having one of the lowest acceptance rates for disability claims out of any state.
Social security disability benefits are so difficult to earn in West Virginia because they pay considerably better than supplemental security income. It draws money out of the taxes that have been collected from a person throughout their work history, and is given out to people regardless of their assets or general income level. This makes it particularly valuable for people with disabilities that haven’t retired yet and still have a basic family income.
Supplemental Security Income
Unlike its counterpart, supplemental security income is a program that only awards money to people that have a demonstrated need for it. It is primarily designed as an additional aid for people with disabilities that are incapable of working and still need to pay for basic necessities like food and shelter. Supplemental security income also has the added benefit of paying out to people regardless of their work history. Of course, it does take into consideration a person’s other assets, including family income.
If you think you might qualify for one of these programs, or are unsure of which one you qualify for, then seek out an experienced attorney. They can help you determine which program to apply for and guide you through the entire complicated process.
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law