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We are pleased to have a guest blogger sharing some of his experience with us today. Curtis Kearns has been with our firm for nearly three years. He has recently taken over the leadership position in our leads and intake pod. Before that Curtis worked as a case manager. In his time working with our current clients, Curtis learned a lot of great tips for anyone going through the Social Security Disability process. Today he shares a helpful tip for keeping track of your disabilities.
As a Case Manager, many clients ask me “how can I be helpful in getting my disability claim approved?” While there are many different ways, consistently logging and tracking your symptoms can be an excellent tool for documenting disabling conditions. Seizures, headaches, fainting spells, and IBS flare-ups are all common symptoms of medical conditions clients may suffer from on a regular basis but are not always reported to a doctor. A tracking log can help demonstrate the impact these conditions have on your daily activities and ability to work.
Keeping a tracking log is simple:
Sometimes you might not be able to remember the information or complete the log when an incident occurs. Don’t panic! Ask a friend or family member who witnessed your symptoms to help you in completing the appropriate portions of the tracking log.
Once you’ve finished a tracking log, be sure to share the information with your Case Manager and your doctor. Remember, keep tracking! The more consistently you track your symptoms the more helpful the information can be in getting your claim approved. Tracking your conditions can also be an excellent tool to help you and your doctor better understand your conditions and possible triggers. Your Case Manager will review the tracking log and discuss it with you once you’ve completed it.
Have questions? Feel free to contact your Case Managers for assistance! If you would like to know more about becoming a client of ours, give us a call via our toll-free number: 1-877-526-3457. If you would rather we call you at a different time, fill out this form now.
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law