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When you’re in need of Social Security disability benefits, things can feel very urgent. The waiting period for your social security disability benefits to begin can be stressful. So just how long does it take for your payments to start arriving?
In most cases, benefits will begin after five months. That means you’ll receive your first payment for the sixth month after Social Security decides you qualify to receive benefits. This waiting period is mandated because, under the law, you can’t start receiving benefits until you’ve been disabled for at least five months. So, if your disability begins June 15, your first benefit will be paid in December.
You will receive the benefits of social security disability on the next month of the due date. So, for example, your December payment will be received in January.
When it’s decided that you will be receiving disability benefits, you’ll get a notice in the mail from Social Security that will explain how much your benefits will be and when you will start receiving them. If you have family members who are also eligible for disability benefits, a separate notice will be sent.
If you have any additional questions about social security disability waiting period, view the Social Security Administration’s online pamphlet. Or if you’d like to learn more about the services we offer or schedule a free consult, please call 877-526-3457 to speak with one of our specialists. You can also fill out a contact form and a member of our team will reach out to you.
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law