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While Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia are two distinct conditions, they share some of the same symptoms, so it can be difficult to distinguish between the two.
Social Security may find that a person is disabled due to Fibromyalgia if they meet all three of these criteria:
1. A history of widespread pain.
2. Repeated occurrences of six or more Fibromyalgia symptoms, signs, or conditions that occur along with Fibromyalgia. In particular, fatigue, cognitive or memory problems (known as “fibro fog”), waking unrefreshed, depression, anxiety disorder, or irritable bowel syndrome.
3. Evidence that other disorders that could cause these repeated occurrences of symptoms, signs, or conditions were excluded.
While someone suffering from Chronic Pain may have some or all of the same symptoms as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain most often results from an injury or another medical condition. For instance, a car accident or a condition such as diabetes could both cause Chronic Pain.
Of course, Social Security will require documentation from a licensed physician to help determine a diagnosis of either Fibromyalgia or Chronic Pain, and to decide whether or not to approve a disability claim for either condition.
If you have questions about Social Security benefits for Fibromyalgia or Chronic Pain, or you would like an experienced, professional legal team to help you through the process of applying for disability benefits, contact Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law today—we’ll be happy to help. Click here to schedule a free consultation.
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law