
What Does Football Have to Do With Helping Veterans?

What does football have to do with helping veterans?

Four Happy People

Pictured: Julie, Case Management; Jon, Social Media; Alex, IT Specialist; Ross, Attorney

This year marked the first year of the Jan Dils Attorneys at Law Fantasy Football League, formed to raise money for the Walk4Vets Foundation.

As their admission into the league, employees were required to make a donation that will help fund the firm’s annual Walk4Vets event scheduled for September 14, 2014. The proceeds of this walk will benefit the West Virginia University at Parkersburg Veterans Corps.

A man with his trophy

Though Ross’s team, The Mighty Ducks, ultimately won the league, everyone enjoyed the twist on Fantasy Football, the opportunity to benefit the Walk4Vets Foundation and the beginning of a fun and gratifying tradition for Jan Dils Attorneys at Law.

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Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law

Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law