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A young lady walked into the office with her mother wearing very dark sunglasses. She wanted to know if her mother would qualify for Social Security Disability benefits because her mother was blind and unable to work. I explained that yes, being legally blind is a qualification for getting approved for Social Security Disability but we should discuss her condition and see which Social Security Disability program she would qualify for.
I asked if her mother was legally blind or just had poor vision. Her mother had had vision problems ever since she was born. At her last eye doctor appointment, she was told her vision had deteriorated to 20/190. She had been working but as her eyesight was decreasing so were her hours at work. She knew after this last doctor’s report that she would not be able to return to work.
We discussed her work history to see which Social Security Disability program she would qualify for. Although she may not have worked full-time, she had worked consistently for the past ten years.
She did not have any assets that were valued at over $2000. So she should qualify for both Social Security Disability Insurance and Social Security Income. Since Social Security qualifies legally blind as anything less than 20/200 in either one eye or both, she should automatically qualify for Social Security Disability payments. Both the mother and daughter were ecstatic since both were worried about how the mother would provide for herself after not being able to go back to work.
She did not even have to go to her local Security Office and we completed her online application in the office that day. Both mother and daughter walked out of the office that day with their minds at ease.
Let the staff of Jan Dils, Attorneys At Law help put your mind at ease. Call us with your questions at 1-877-526-3457. Tell us about your claim now.
(Written by special guest blogger Elizabeth Dues)
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law