
Disability Benefits for Scoliosis

Disability Benefits for Scoliosis

Many people ask if scoliosis is a disability. It is – and scoliosis disability is not an uncommon back problem in America. More than 3 million cases are reported in the US every year. While the symptoms of scoliosis are typically mild, this condition can cause heart and breathing problems. 

This sideways curvature of the spine can have many side effects and health problems. So, the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers benefits for scoliosis disorder. If you are wondering whether scoliosis is a disability, the answer is YES! It is a disability, and you can get disability benefits for it. To discuss your scoliosis symptoms and whether it may qualify for benefits, contact our firm today. You can even check out our brief 5-question quiz on whether you might be eligible for SSDI.

How to Qualify for Disability Benefits for Scoliosis

There are two ways to qualify for scoliosis disability benefits. You may qualify by meeting an Adult Medical Listing in Social Security’s listing of impairments (aka the Blue Book). If you do not meet the severity level of one of the listings in the blue book, you can still qualify. For this, you have to prove that your scoliosis prevents you from working.

Unable to Work Due to Scoliosis Symptoms

If you apply for disability benefits for scoliosis on the grounds that you are unable to work, the SSA will asses your ability to return to work using a residual functional capacity (RFP) test. This test will measure your physical, mental, and sensory limitations.
With scoliosis, your biggest limitations will most likely be physical activities. You will suffer difficulty in sitting, standing, walking, lifting, and carrying heavy items. If these limitations are found to be serious enough to keep you from working any kind of a job, you may be awarded benefits.

The Blue Book

While scoliosis isn’t technically listed in the blue book, the SSA acknowledges that it can cause serious enough spine injuries, and you can qualify under spine disorders. Likewise, if your scoliosis causes trouble breathing or heart conditions, you might qualify under cardiovascular or respiratory conditions.

Medical Proof of Scoliosis

Typically only the most serious scoliosis disorder cases will qualify for benefits, and you will need medical proof to support your case. To get approved for disability benefits for scoliosis, you’ll need either an X-ray, MRI, or CAT scan showing the severity of your condition, as well as a doctor’s physical examination noting your limitations and records that shows therapy isn’t making your condition better. It is possible to obtain disability benefits for dextroscoliosis and levoscoliosis, depending on the curvature of your spine. Dextroscoliosis, the more common of the two, means the spine curves to the right (away from the heart), whereas levoscoliosis indicates a left-side curvature.

Call Our Attorneys if Your Scoliosis Qualifies You for Disability Benefits

Scoliosis can be a heavy burden to carry, making it hard to hold down a job and enjoy life. If you are in need of disability benefits for scoliosis, call Jan Dils Attorneys at Law.
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Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law