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December can be a difficult time for the Golden Apple Award. Often, we aren’t able to present it to a deserving teacher during the month of December because of snow days, and the long Christmas break. That was the case this year. The benefit is that we get to visit two schools in the month of January. On Tuesday, January 24th, the Jan Dils team present the December Jan Dils Attorneys at Law Golden Apple Award to Morgan Trout of Waverly Elementary School in Waverly, WV.
While this was not the first time a Golden Apple Award has been presented to a teacher from this facility, we have not visited the small school in several years. While Waverly is one of the smaller schools in the area, they are not short on heart. One benefit of a smaller school is the sense of community everyone has, and how teachers really impact all the students. That’s one of the reasons that Ms. Trout was not just praised by students of her own grade, but really the entire student body stopped to congratulate her. We later learned that Ms. Trout recently started an after-school tutoring program, a first for the school.
Ms. Trout is new to the area, but this happens to be her fourth-year teaching. She mentioned that she loves teaching, but that is also a very demanding job. Parents happen to love her, though, and many of her colleges state that she often goes above and beyond for her students.
Ms. Trout is a very deserving teacher and we appreciate her dedication to her students. We can’t wait to award the January 2017 Golden Apple Award next week.
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law