
An Explanation of the Child Assessment Domains #2

Child Assessment Domains #2

This blog is a continuation of my previous blogs regarding proving children disabled.  I will be providing some specific examples of limitations in each domain to help you better understand what must exist and be documented to prove your child disabled.

Attending and Completing Tasks


  • It is easily startled, distracted, or over-reactive to everyday sounds.
  • It is slow to focus on or fails to complete activities that interest the child.
  • Gives up easily on tasks that are within the child’s capabilities.
  • Repeatedly becomes sidetracked from activities or frequently interrupts others.
  • Needs extra supervision to stay on task.
  • Cannot plan, manage time, or organize self in order to complete assignments or chores.

Please keep in mind that these examples are not all-inclusive but just a brief review of SOME of the limitations that may exist. Also, not all examples will be appropriate for children of all ages.

For more information, give our office a call: 1-877-526-3457, or tell us about your case now.


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Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law

Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law