
7 Key Reasons You Should Always Wear a Seat Belt       

7 Key Reasons You Should Always Wear a Seat Belt       

For many people, thinking back to childhood and the long drives you took, seat belts were not heavily prioritized or even required to be worn. Most of the time you could even roam around the back seat. Although automotive engineers were required to have seat belts installed in every make and model in the 1960s, there were no laws requiring the buckling of seat belts until the late 1980s and 1990s.

In today’s day and age, wearing a seat belt is one of the most emphasized and prioritized steps when entering a vehicle. It is to the point where it has become second nature for most people. However, some still do not understand or see the benefits of wearing a seat belt. When making this choice, these individuals put themselves at a higher risk of injury during an accident since they are not being protected by the vehicle’s safety system.

Seven Benefits of Wearing a Seat Belt

1- Everyone in the vehicle is safer – including motorists: Seat belts have been tested and proven through countless studies and simulations to save lives. Studies have even been conducted on older model cars that don’t have airbags as a secondary safety feature. Even in these cars, seat belts provide safety.

2- Minimized movement during impact: Seat belts are made to keep you in your seat in an accident. They can save individuals from getting thrown through a windshield or somewhere else in the vehicle, and many people are unaware of the g-forces that affect you during an impact. Many who have chosen not to wear a seat belt have experienced serious injuries when in an accident.

3- Seat belts are designed to work in parallel with airbags for ultimate protection: Airbags were developed and added into car manufacturing later to work alongside your seat belts. If you are not wearing a seat belt, your airbag cannot detect when it needs to inflate, making it ineffective.

4- Face a fine if you decline to wear one: When police stop you along the road, if you are caught without a seat belt, the officer may issue a ticket. If this happens, you may be required to pay a fine and have a violation added to your driving record.

5- Reduced risk of serious injury and death: Research has found that the people who survived severe car accidents and have left with minor injuries were able to do so because they chose to wear their seat belts.

6- Declining to wear a seat belt can affect your auto insurance rates: Whether you are pulled over or are involved in a car accident, if you are caught not wearing your seat belt you may receive a ticket. When there is a ticket on your record, your auto insurance rates may increase significantly upon renewal if your insurance company feels you are a high-risk driver. In some cases, your insurance company may even refuse to renew your policy altogether.

7- Declining to wear a seat belt can affect your ability to receive post-accident compensation: Even if you are not at fault for an accident, if it is found that you were not wearing your seat belt, any damages awarded to you from the responsible party or their insurance may be reduced.

Whether You Wore Your Seat Belt or Not, Call an Attorney if You Were in a Vehicle Crash

If you or someone you know has been hurt in a car accident that was not your fault and you are seeking deserved compensation, reach out to the dedicated Personal Injury team at Jan Dils, Attorney at Law. We are the largest female-founded law firm in the country and offer free consultations to discuss your case.

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To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.

Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law

Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law