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A mesothelioma is a form of lung cancer caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral found throughout the world. Asbestos was used for many years as a common building material before its dangerous effects became widely known. Its use has since become strictly prohibited throughout most of the world, but unfortunately, there are still many occupied structures that still contain it. For this reason, it may be in your best interests to hire a local mass torts attorney. One of our steadfast West Virginia Mesothelioma lawyers can help you obtain compensation to cover your losses.
When present, tiny particles of asbestos can enter the air and be ingested into the body. The mesothelium is the lining that protects the body’s organs. When exposed to asbestos, the healthy cells of the lining are transformed into unhealthy cancerous cells. It is uncertain why this happens, but there is no longer doubt of its cause. As a result, Mesothelioma occurs in the linings of many critical internal organs such as the lungs and heart, among others.
Treatment is contingent of what form of Mesothelioma you have and where exactly the disease is located. The symptoms can be a bit nebulous in nature and difficult to diagnose in the beginning stages of the disease. These symptoms can include anything from abdominal pain to shortness of breath.
There are many treatments available for Mesothelioma such as chemotherapy, radiation, and even surgery. However, there is no known cure. The highest incidents of the disease have been found among the asbestos miners who ingested the mineral in vast quantities over sustained periods on the job. The cost for treatment is extreme. If you or a loved one has Mesothelioma as the result of another party’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation to cover treatment, lost wages, and pain and suffering associated with disease.
A local attorney can help you establish responsibility and present a case that establishes liability for the cause of your suffering. On some occasions, settlements occur out of court. However, our team will ensure you do not settle for less than you deserve. Mesothelioma is a serious disease, and compensation due to another’s failure to act properly should be awarded accordingly.
To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.
Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law