
Working Together To Get the Benefits You Deserve

It is a pleasure to come into work Monday – Friday to a place where “Client-Centered Focus” is our #1 Core Value! When I first started with the firm two years ago, I couldn’t wait to start helping our clients and was assured that was our main goal here at Jan DilsHELPING OUR CLIENTS. In my opinion, our mission statement sums this up perfectly:

                “We are a client-centered team with an unparalleled work ethic that passionately dedicates our lives to providing a voice for the disabled individual.”

With that being said, we will fight with everything we have to get our clients the benefits they deserve but we do ask for a little assistance from our clients in return. While we can facilitate clients through the process as seamlessly as possible—i.e. assist with paperwork, file appeals in a timely manner, speak with Social Security and its agencies, offer advice or a shoulder to lean on, represent clients at their hearings, etc.—there is a crucial aspect that, even with our 20 years of expertise, we cannot accomplish on our own.

This is obtaining objective medical evidence to support an individual’s claim. Anyone familiar with the SS Disability process cannot stress enough how important medical treatment is for a claim. Without documentation of a diagnosis and its treatment, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for SSA to find someone disabled. This is why we tell all clients, potential and current, that they must seek medical treatment if they want their claim to be successful.

For example: if you are alleging lumbar degenerative disc disease, SSA needs to see radiology reports (X-rays, CT scans, MRIs) diagnosing this, along with on-going treatment with a primary care physician, neurologist or pain management clinic, whom prescribe medication, give injections or refer to physical therapy for this condition. Likewise, if an individual is alleging bipolar disorder— psychology testing with a diagnosis, psychotherapy and medication management are vital for their claim. (Disclaimer: this is just a brief and incomplete example of the various types of treatment for both conditions)

We understand that seeking medical treatment is easier said than done. Most claimants have lost their insurance from their employer because they are no longer able to work, and others simply cannot afford the cost of health care on their own. But there are resources available to the “un & under”-insured!! Most states provide medical assistance through Medicaid or a medical card program for individuals who are unable to work due to a medical condition and also meet the program requirements. There are also numerous free & sliding-scale clinics who will treat patients with no medical coverage. Also, the Affordable Health Care Act has expanded coverage and lowered the cost of health care for millions of individuals who were once unable to obtain health care coverage.

So never fear, there is assistance out there, we just need to be proactive and diligent in obtaining it. Individuals can contact their state-assistance agencies or go on-line to www.healthcare.gov for more information regarding these programs. Potential and current clients can also call our office to obtain contact information for the free & sliding-scale clinics in their area. Call us toll-free at 1-977-526-3457. Or, you can fill out this form and we will contact you.

We Won't Take “NO” for an Answer®

To Schedule an Appointment, Call Us Toll Free at 1.877.873.8208 or Email Us for a Prompt Response.

Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law

Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law