
An Explanation of the Child Assessment Domains #3

Child Assessment Domains #3

This blog is a continuation of my previous blogs regarding proving children disabled.  I will be providing some specific examples of limitations in each domain to help you better understand what must exist and be documented to prove your child disabled.

Interacting and Relating with Others


  • Does not reach out to be picked up, touched, and held by a caregiver.

  • Has no close friends, or has friends who are older or younger.

  • Avoids or withdraws from people he or she Photo Shootknows.

  • Is overly anxious or fearful of meeting new people or trying new experiences.

  • Has difficulty cooperating with others.

  • Has difficulty playing games or sports with rules.

  • Has difficulty communicating with others (for example, does not speak intelligibly or use appropriate nonverbal cues when carrying on a conversation).


Please keep in mind that these examples are not all-inclusive but just a brief review of SOME of the limitations that may exist. Also, not all examples will be appropriate for children of all ages.

If you are interested in learning more about this subject, call our office today for a free phone consultation: 1-877-526-3457, or contact us now.

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Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law

Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law